India witnessed a solemn moment on Sunday, December 29, 2024, as the ashes of former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh were immersed at Astha Ghat in Delhi. The rituals were performed in accordance with Sikh traditions at the revered Majnu Ka Tila Gurdwara, marking the final chapter in the life of a leader who profoundly shaped the nation.
Dr. Singh, widely regarded as a champion of India’s middle class and a stalwart of economic reforms, passed away earlier this week. On Saturday, December 28, 2024, he was cremated with full state honors at the Nigambodh Ghat. The ceremony drew an assembly of top dignitaries, reflecting his monumental legacy.
President Droupadi Murmu led the nation in mourning, joined by Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The presence of global figures, including King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan and Mauritius Foreign Minister Dhananjay R. Ramful, underscored the respect Dr. Singh commanded on the international stage.
Amid a somber atmosphere, Dr. Singh’s eldest daughter, Upinder Singh, performed the final rites, lighting the funeral pyre as religious hymns filled the air. Thousands of admirers and supporters stood in silent reverence, paying homage to a leader who symbolized integrity and intellect in public life.
Dr. Singh’s tenure as India’s Prime Minister, spanning 2004 to 2014, is often celebrated as a transformative era in the nation’s history. A revered economist and architect of India’s liberalization in the early 1990s, he earned accolades for steering the country toward economic prosperity while maintaining social equity.
Throughout his career, Dr. Singh remained a symbol of quiet strength, intellectual rigor, and unwavering commitment to the nation. His policies empowered millions, uplifted the middle class, and fostered global partnerships that positioned India as an emerging power.
At the Astha Ghat immersion, the family, close friends, and well-wishers gathered to bid their final farewell. The sacred rituals, imbued with prayers and chants, resonated deeply with those present. As his ashes merged with the waters, it symbolized the enduring impact of his contributions to the country.
For many, Dr. Singh was more than a political leader—he was a guide, a mentor, and a visionary who inspired generations to believe in the power of ideas and perseverance.
Social media platforms overflowed with tributes, anecdotes, and remembrances from citizens across the globe. Messages celebrated his humility, wisdom, and dedication to public service.
As India mourns the loss of one of its finest statesmen, the legacy of Dr. Manmohan Singh lives on, etched in the annals of history and the hearts of those he touched. His journey, marked by unyielding integrity and a vision for a better tomorrow, will continue to inspire a nation striving for excellence.
Today, as the waters of Astha Ghat carry his ashes, India bids farewell to the man who redefined leadership with grace and intellect—a true hero of the people.